Result-Based Marketing Solutions

Variable Data
Develop a campaign that is personal to each individual in your target audience! With variable data, you are able to uniquely differentiate each marketing piece with specific information from your customer. Whether you want to use their logo or their name to personalize the campaign, you are able to do so with our variable data software. This software allows us to print each piece with variable information without stopping or slowing down the printing process. Incorporating personalization into your campaigns has proven to increase response rates by 500% as compared to static campaigns.
Augmented Reality
Bring your projects to life with augmented reality (AR) software. With Augmented Reality, you can incorporate video, audio, social links and more. The software takes information from a printed page, links it directly to a smart phone or similar device and brings it to life. Augmented Reality also gives you the unique ability to track your audiences response rates and actions, giving you the ability to produce and pursue high quality leads. Higher quality leads mean higher conversion rates. As an inexpensive marketing solution, Augmented Reality provides you with a higher return on your marketing investment.
PURLs & QR Codes
PURLS (Personalized URLs) are a great tool for developing high quality leads while giving your campaign the personalization and relevancy the market demands. A PURL, such as:, is a URL specifically designed for individual customers. This URL will take the recipient to his or her own personal landing page customized just for them. The content that is put on the landing page is up to the campaign developer (although through our personal experience we found that a specific call to action has been the most effective).
PURLs can also come in the form of QR codes so that all the end user has to do is simply scan his or her code to get redirected to a landing page. There are instances where campaign developers want a general QR code. For example, if you're sending out a direct mail piece promoting a specific product you might want to place a QR Code that takes those who scan to the order page of their website for that specific product.
What is extremely valuable about our PURL marketing capabilities is that you are supplied with an easy to read, yet detailed report of whom has interacted with your campaign. With this information you're able to increase your rate of generating high quality leads thus increasing your overall conversion rate!
To take advantage of these marketing services, contact us today.